dr lori

Showing Tag: " student travel" (Show all posts)

Rowan Hodgdon Wednesday November 29

Posted by H. Lori Schnieders on Friday, December 1, 2017, In : Crossing Borders 2017 

Today was the day that we had our presentations! Since it was going to be a pretty intense day of listening to a lot people talking and absorbing a lot of information, we were all allowed to sleep in. We haven’t exactly been getting up too early, at least in my opinion, but I prefer to sleep in until around nine or nine thirty, and we had not being doing that up to this day.

  It was a little crazy trying to figure out where to go. We got there in time to participate in yo...

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Dawn Johnson Tuesday November 28

Posted by H. Lori Schnieders on Friday, December 1, 2017, In : Crossing Borders 2017 

On Tuesday, November 28, we started off our day at 9am beginning with the usual bit of housekeeping to ensure we were all on the same page. Today, the groups hit the paper and presentations hard. At times the work was intense and a bit stressful but all of the groups got a surprising amount of work done.

After the on campus part of the day was done, some students went to Alkmaar to shop and decompress from the long hard day of work. Shayna and I got a little lost and had a h...

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Dara Economy Monday November 27

Posted by H. Lori Schnieders on Friday, December 1, 2017, In : Crossing Borders 2017 

      On Monday we started our day having breakfast in our bungalow. We left the bungalow at 9:30 to get to the college at 10. The college was beautiful! There were live plants going up poles near the stairs and live pants that cover the walls. We first met some professors and a few students in the lobby. We were able to recognize some students from the video chats and introduced ourselves. Followed, all the students and professors met in the cafeteria. We mixed and mingled, ...

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