We started off the day by going to the school and doing some end of week feedback. People had some interesting thoughts and one that stuck to me was when someone said there should be more of a structure but Hans-Jan made a good point where the friction among the groups is a huge part of this class and that’s what makes this class so special. We work hard and learn to work together but it does require some pressure. The pressure we work together makes us learn stronger and help out in the future. Long day of proofreading makes me practice my English skills.
After another long day of working on the paper, group 3 had the opportunity to go walk around Alkmaar. Alkmaar is very beautiful and has lots of sites to see. One place that a Dutch student talked about was a cafe with cats in it to pat. After hearing about this, I couldn’t pass up that offer. It was a great experience and I got to pat lots of cuddly cats.
That night, we ate tons of pizza with all the groups. We had a good time socializing and sad time saying bye to some new friends. Throughout the week I was hoping Hans Jan would dance with me and you wouldn’t believe it but he did a small little dance with me after I asked to take a picture with me and Simone.
This was a great trip and it was a nice dinner to say our good byes. This has been a great experience with lots of work but will help with many life skills in the future.
In : Crossing Borders 2017