Posted by H. Lori Schnieders on Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Happy Monday. Today was the first day we meet at the university in Alkmaar, InHolland. We got to meet all of the students, totaling like 50. It was so exciting to put bodies to the names and voices we have been talking with all semester. The first half of the school day we did meet and greet fun stuff and toured the university. The second half we were able to meet with our groups for writing. After school a group of students went to the grocery store to pick up stuff to cook dinner together. Each country was able to make food from their country and share with the rest of us. As the Americans we made American Chop suey and strawberry short cake. We all meet in the camp park we are staying at their bar and had a pot luck dinner. I was able to socialize with the other members of my writing group and also other students form Norway, and the Netherlands. We all played cards and talked and laughed. It was so cool to see 50 college students from 5 countries, and their professors, enjoying a meal together. After the dinner all the students staying in the camp park gathered in one of the bungalows for more socializing and entertainment. It was a fun day full of new experiences and new friends. I feel blessed to be able to be here and experiencing this once in a lifetime oportunity.