dr lori

Browsing Archive: December, 2015

One final day

Posted by H. Lori Schnieders on Friday, December 4, 2015, In : Crossing Borders 

Friday 12/04/2015 Amanda Dickey

         Our last day here in Holland was first spent at the University during our final feedback session, then we had the rest of the day free to do as we pleased. Most of us split up in Amsterdam, some went sight-seeing or window-shopping, others stayed out late enjoying the nightlife and a few of us visited the Van Gogh Museum… I was one of these people.

         The Van Gogh Museum was INCREDIBLE! When Dr. Lori and I were first discussi...

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Workday coming to the finish line 12/3/2015

Posted by H. Lori Schnieders on Thursday, December 3, 2015,

Thursday 12/3/2015 Eddie Socker

         Last night after the presentation were over and after everyone had a wonderful dinner at the Italian restaurant in Alkmaar all of us we out for a bit to see the town at night. We took the 11:00 bus back to where we are staying and when we got back everyone wanted to hang out for a little bit. After hopping to around a few different bungalows we settled down in the Norwegians bungalow where Marius and I played the guitar and ukulele an...

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Presentation day 12/2/2015

Posted by H. Lori Schnieders on Thursday, December 3, 2015, In : Crossing Borders 

Wednesday 12/2/2015 Dr. Lori

 Today was presentation day. Every year I am amazed at the creativity and energy that goes into presenting the research.  Each group chooses the method to present what they have found through their research the range this year was an original song to start the presentation, a video, a psycho drama and games.  The day was topped off with all the students and faculty headed to dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant in Alkmaar.  The beauty of the...

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First time in Amsterdam

Posted by H. Lori Schnieders on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, In : Crossing Borders 

12/1/2015—Jamie Moores-Lank

My first time on a plane, my first time on a bus and today was my first time on a train! Today was a great day spent with new friends! We worked on our research presentations to have them ready for our big day tomorrow of presenting; As the only mentor I spent today bouncing from place to place. I know they will be great because everyone has worked so hard on them. After working all day we spent the evening in Amsterdam exploring and taking all ...

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