Hello everyone, so hard to believe I am once again in the Netherlands with a new group of students. Each year is like I've never been here before watching the reactions of my students as we exit the airport. I get to see this place through their eyes, each experience is once again new and exciting. Our week is full with exploring and classes working on the research papers and presenting our findings to one another. It is always wonderful spending time with my European colleagues, dissecting the pedagogy and evaluating our progress throughout the semester all the while planning for next year. It is a seamless process as one closes the next is being born. Throughout the week you will get to hear about our experiences through the UMM students voice, Sunday will be Victor,Monday Maria,Tuesday Jose,Wednesday Megan,Thursday Jairo, Friday David, watch for three guest posts from a German, Norwegian and Dutch student. Be well and remember we can not build bridges and bring down barriers unless we first cross borders. hugs